HOW TO PAIR BLUETOOTH YOUR PHONE AND COMPUTER WINDOWS 10 Make sure your phone Bluetooth is turned ON and your computer Bluetooth is turned ON STEP 1:IN COMPUTER Click on start button and search “bluetooth”,click on that and click on “more Bluetooth option” Mark a mark box says”allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer” in a dialog box If you discovered a Bluetooth device by desktop click “PAIR” if you prompted click”YES” STEP 2:IN PHONE Swipe up to the control panel,and hold Bluetooth icon ,make sure your Bluetooth is not timed out Click “search device” you are waiting for pairing from your desktop and click “PAIR” wait for pairing phone and computer when pairing process is finished you can see the word”PAIRED” Now you can transfer the files btn phone and computer. WARNINGS: Donot always turned ON Bluetooth because some of viruses can enter in your computer,phone or tablet THANK YOU FOR...
NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASE (a)Diabetes (b)sickle cell (c)kidney failure DIABETE diabete caused by lack of insulin within your body SYMPTOMS OF DIABETE Wound wer delay to repair Urine were more concentrated with sugar High rate of heartbeats EFFECTS OF DIABETE Lack of economic activities,people is very important to doing work Delay or donot repay of the wounds Death of people PREVENTION OF DIABETE Avoid table salt,and to concentrate sugar to the food Reduce uses of sugar and salts Do more body exercise TREATMENT THIS IS COMPLNTELY NOT TREATED,EXCEPT YOU REDUCE RISKS OF DISEASE'S INFECTION drink insulin drugs If you have diabete should go to the hospital(talk to your doctor)for more information. written by Joshua Martin